And the walls came tumbling down

The real deal

I'm in the Doldrums. This happens to everyone and it is part of the rich tapestry. A very dear friend of mine has recently died so that has made for some serious introspection. Whatever age one lives to it is never enough and when someone dies before their time it seems unjust too. 

I have now come round to reminiscing about the old days. We used to have a weekly training session. We were dedicated and made sure we had the right equipment too - a cork screw, two wine glasses, a dog to fuss and lots to talk about! The preferred tiple was a Cock and Bull Shiraz which tasted especially good when it was on offer at S$17.80 at NTUC Fairprice. The full cost was normally S$37. So important was it that we drank the right stuff that we would let each other know when we saw it on offer! Rachel told me that one friend was impressed that she was training so regularly- her friend, of course,  thought it was the training that needed gym equipment! Never let it be said that holding a glass steady for a long period of time while chin wagging doesn't require dedication.
Rachel in her new home

So it was lovely that Diane and Jeremy suggested we went out for a pub crawl in Stony Stratford as a tribute to Rachel. This is the home of the "Cock and Bull" story! We started off at The Cock sitting outside in the courtyard. It rained. We went inside to a crowded bar and were invited to join two ladies sitting at table with spare seats. They told us they were off to an Abba tribute band that evening so the table would be all ours shortly.

All was well UNTIL the older of the two asked me if Jeremy was my son. WHAT!!!! Nice man, good son... but not mine. He is no more than a couple of years younger than me. Our similiarity lies in us having the same colour curly hair. I was saddened, flabberghasted, distraught.... How could anyone think I was heading for at least 80 years of age? I would have needed to be this to have had him!

That part of the evening left a big dent in my ego. Another reason for sinking into my despondency. So feeling rather deflated, we walked briskly in the rain 20 yards up the road to the Bull for a further pint or two. 

I walked to Stony in sunshine with Lucky and I had planned to walk home. I had my bike lights to guide me along the canal. Drinking for me wasn't an issue that night. I was up for a bit of a walk. We laughed about the VERY old dear who had thought I was Jeremy's mother. We remembered Rachel and raised a glass to her. At this point I was beginning to think I would be doing my drowned rat impression which I am now really good at. As the rain was by now so torrential, Jeremy offered to drive Lucky and myself home. A reason to be cheerful indeed.

Dark clouds and silver linings are part of all our lives. These past few weeks have led to too many dark clouds and it has been hard to see the silver linings. Sammi missed a flight to Manila from Amsterdam by just 4 minutes a while ago. He called me from the airport to get angry with me. He did however sort himself out. He came to a good decision and had to buy another two plane tickets for that flight and a connection. He clearly thought that Mum can solve the all the problems that befall him. If only I had that power. 

Then more recently, Danielle found there was a missing drawer in a bedside table in her garage. That was my fault too. I haven't lived in that house for 2 and a 1/2 years by the way. I took a lot of ear ache over that wooden drawer.

I'm now telling everyone that I am fallible. I make mistakes. I am human and I don't possess the capacity to sort out the troubles of this world. If you are under the impression that I possess such powers then I see that as a silver lining. I ask you, please give me a break. I need your help too, especially while I am feeling low.

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