On making the grade

On balance this has been a better than average week. My bike is now back on the road. I am becoming expert at changing and repairing inner tubes - I should be as I have had plenty of practice. The weather is unexpectedly balmy for the time of year too. This has made cycling so much more pleasant.

On top of this, I went to Centre Parcs with Diane for an evening Spa session last Tuesday. For me, it was difficult not to compare the experience with the one I had with Danielle at Bannatyne's. Woburn Centre Parcs is just round the corner from where Diane lives and I have often driven past and wondered what was behind the screen of trees.

Inside the resort it was tastefully decorated with blue and white fairy lights. I was excited before I had even reached the spa area. All the staff smiled Disney style but in a much more British understated way. Already I was chilled and ready for what was on offer. We started our evening with a glass on bubbly then explored the myriad rooms that offered all sorts of 'relaxing' experiences. There was a "Volcano" sauna - toooooo hot. An Ice Room - fun! Scented steam rooms - Yay!! An outdoor, salt water swimming pool with jacuzzi bubbles. I was a bit like a kid in a candy store.

We wouldn't have had time to schedule any treatments; there was so much to do. I felt like I had been there for much longer than I really had and by the time it was time to leave I really did feel totally relaxed. We tried everything except the 'relaxing areas'. Despite that, even now I still feel a bit of residual ohmmmm. Oh how different from my trip to Bannatyne -  and cheaper too!

I also had time to finish an online course I have been doing and take the exam. I passed first time. The old brain must be working still - good news that I can make the grade. The course duration was a maximum of six months' access before taking the exam and it took me three weeks. I am happy with that.

My right heel is still strapped up. My follow up visit to the physio this week was a mixed blessing. This time it was a man who treated me. Not because he was a man, more because he didn't seem to know what he was doing, did I worry about his advice. He taped my ankle up after a fashion and the bandaging fell off the same day. Last week the other physio taped my ankle up and the strapping lasted three days. Even I can do it better than him. So based on not listenng to his advice, I'm going to give tennis a go. 

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