Physios I have known

Currently my right heel is swollen as I have a stress tear on my Achilles. So far no real problem except tennis is not really on the menu. I have six physio sessions booked with a company in MK, and each time I have been I have seen someone different. The first physio was brilliant. She told me how to take care of my heel with simple and easy to understand instructions. I really thought I was on the road to a quick recovery.

The second time was an utter disaster. The man who saw me didn’t know what he was doing at all. He couldn’t answer my queries about what exercises to do. He tried to tape up my foot and got more of the binding stuck to his fingers than on my heel. By the time I got home, the tape came off with my sock! The worst of it was that I felt no confidence in him at all. He could have been seconded from a supermarket checkout for all the knowledge of physiology he displayed.

Then by the third session the overall manager of the company dealt with me. Apparently, she had had complaints about the physio who I had visited the second time. She had travelled up from Essex to cover the sessions in MK until she found a replacement. She said I wouldn’t need to pay for the previous session, and she would add another one to make seven sessions in all.

Now this brings me to the most recent of my visits. The latest physio was confident, knowledgeable – I hope(?) but her English was so awful she called my toes -fingers! I picked up on that quite quickly. She told me she didn’t like “tapping” – I repeated, “taping” with rising intonation as a question. She said “tapping” again… I just hope I understood her. She also said my heel was “swolled”. Probably with everything else she said, I would have given her IELTS 5. I was genuinely challenged on the comprehension front. Errrr.

Oh, how I miss the “torture-ess”. She was my physio in Singapore, and she was amazing. When I visited, I knew it would hurt but I also knew it would do me good. I genuinely think that there should be a minimum standard for physios to practice over here in the UK. They should have sufficient standard English and know what they are doing. My experience of physios in this country has been patchy to say the least. God help us… this is 21st century Britain.

A wet world! 

My very comfortable son! 

Taking Lucky out - glorious sunshine

On other matters, I had a visit from Sammi and Lucky. Always lovely to have them round. Sammi arrived and instantly wanted to sleep – such good company to have. Danielle brought Ezra-Mae round this week too. My little grand daughter – three years old -  walked through the front door, took her shoes off and then shoo-ed her Mum away. She wanted Nana all to herself. It’s nice to know that my family can feel comfortable and settle in my little place!

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