Blue Sky Thinking

I do my best thinking and planning with my face looking down at the bluish tiles in the swimming pool. Lately, I have been piling up the lengths and have got a quarter of the way through my second 75-mile challenge so I have lots of thinking time. Perhaps this is not quite blue-sky thinking although my mind does wander while I splash up and down. Here are some of my conclusions:

·                 I have itchy feet. There are so many places to go to and things I want to do. Part of me could pack a minimal bag and set off on a long trek with only a vague idea of where I want to go. At my current age, my father had a stroke that changed his life immeasurably. Bits of me don’t function as well as they did. How much time do I have left? If I I did set off I’d miss tennis, cycling and swimming so what compromises should I make? So many opportunities and so little time so for a start I find myself in Sheffield for the weekend. That’s a very good start!

·                I have a long set of things on my “to do” list. The kitchen needs a bit of TLC – actually it needs a lot of TLC – a lick of paint is a minimum requirement. I have promised to paint Ezra-Mae’s bedroom too. Then, there is always the garden that needs to be sorted. I have composted most of the soil in my courtyard with my home-produced stuff. I know people don’t admire crumbly hummus  but it is my favourite part of the garden. It is a miracle what little creatures do to breakdown “stuff” to make rich soil. I am proud of the quality of my soil and one day my plants will look better for it too. Meanwhile, I still need to tidy it up and plant some more… the list goes on and gets longer every time I think about it.

Mattaya at 4 weeks

·               Then there’s a social life. I managed to squeeze in a tennis team night out this week as well as a weekend away. Planning ahead I have fitted in a trip to Market Bosworth and to Rugby in the same weekend AND I brought my swimming stuff away with me so I can do a few lengths before I get home. There’s also two granddaughters to play with and any number of cups of coffee that need to be imbibed.

Anita and Mark

In search of Darcy!

     There are not enough hours in the day for me to do everything I want to do. I can only say things would be better if…. One can only dream!

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