Portentous Signs

Stony Stratford isolated by flooding

I went to my NHS surgery to pick up a letter on Wednesday. There had been a brief lull in the rains, and I was desperate to get out on my bike. The surgery itself – like all NHS establishments – is a depressing building set just off the High Street in Stony. The only redeeming feature is a massive wooden frieze of an ancient king placed halfway up the stairs.

I waited my turn to see the receptionist. Something caught my eye. On the bookcase opposite the reception window was a book whose title struck me as an ominous sign. I pointed out to the receptionist that the title in big black print said “Death….” Was this the best they could offer to those trying to alleviate the interminable wait to see a doctor, I wondered aloud. We laughed. I was asked to turn the book to mask the title. I can’t remember ever seeing a doctor at this surgery. Maybe those who manage that feat have had time to read a book or two on offer on those shelves. This book might well set reader up for their appointment.

As for other portentous signs, from Sunday onwards we have had rain so heavy that most of the roads in the area have been flooded at one time or another. On the Monday, I looked out of the window and thought twice about cycling to the swimming pool. It was wet outside but not actually raining! It was a toss up. I enjoy the short ride along the canal but I thought I would end up far too muddy even to enter the pool reception area. It was a good call. I was caught in floods along Stratford Road on my way home in the car. In the two hours I had been at the pool, the road had become thigh deep in water! Stony Stratford is cut off still.

Nasser was going to visit with his son, Kenan, on Monday night. I had promised to help with his homework. The A5 was closed, as were other roads, so they gave up and went home. He apologised. We did a face time instead. I said he should have taken a leaf from the Milk Tray adverts. I sent a couple of old ads from Youtube to set the benchmark for future forays. I think that is the least he could do!

Obviously there has been no tennis this week. Neither has my local been in operation. The water washed through the pub on Monday night and it has only just opened again. For me, that is a close call. The pub is next to my house. Luckily I wasn’t affected. A good sign, indeed.

Another good sign - cuddles after a lovely meal at The Bell

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