Rites and Rituals

 I have thought long and hard about whether  the word, "habit" is another but less savoury word for a ritual. Habits are usually bad things we want to break. Is my early morning drink of strong black coffee a habit or a ritual? It is something that I have maintained for years and  it is paramount even when I am not in a home routine. This more than anything else in my day is important to me. Whether it counts as a ritual or a habit my son came up trumps and brought me coffee in bed the other day. This, I would love to raise to an almost religious experience. I am happy for him to stay in my home if this were to become a regular occurrence.  

Hampton Court

I have just been out to celebrate my birthday this week too. Please don't send me good wishes. My birthday was at the end of May but this was the first opportunity my friend, Ann had to have a day out with me. We went to Hampton Court - glorious sun, great company - great day out all round. Even though my birthday was a long time ago, it was still great way to celebrate. After all, celebrating birthdays is a rite - I have big plans to belatedly celebrate Danielle's birthday.

An old Friend- Ann

The only downside  of our trip was the cafe at Hampton Court. Neither of us had a good word to say about the lunch we bought. If it had been Henry Vlll, he'd have had some heads rolling if he'd been served such stuff. We just had to make up for it by having some vino when we got home - a ritual perhaps?

The River Thames at Hampton Court

I am also beginning to think about Christmas too. Christmas Day is my BIG day. It is a rite and a ritual. It too follows a routine and it is an opportunity to play lots of games. I love games! Christmas' past are still in my memory and each year I just hope to better myself in my celebrations. It is a family ritual that I hope Ezra-Mae will grow up to remember fondly.

We also said goodbye to a very dear friend this week. Someone who I have shared many Christmas' with. It was a lovely sending off and a beautiful way to remember her. Nowadays we are far more flexible in our beliefs and this was a humanist celebration and very poignant. We returned home and continued the celebration by raising a glass in my local pub while we had our supper there. Cheers!

I heard somewhere  a long time ago that there is a belief that people die twice. They die when their body gives up on them and then again when they are spoken about for the last time. To live on in the memory of others is a very powerful thing. I still remember my Aunty Rose. She was the person who started my tennis career.  So when you face me on court, you now know the history of why I am still playing. Aunty Rose was actually my grandmother's aunt  so she was my great great aunt; and I still talk about her and wear jewellery passed down to me. To me, she is very much in my thoughts. 

Writing this it is dawning on me that I really should indulge and "love" myself by elevating my good habits to rituals. - drinking my morning coffee while listening to the birds - yes, that is a ritual!

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