The Equinox

The last of the blackberries

So here we are and it is three quarters through another year. I have started thinking about Christmas already. Where has the time gone? Officially this is the season of mellow fruitfulness, wet socks, regretted decisions over my choice of outdoor clothing and runny noses. It is also the end of my summer regime of cold showers. I will try and continue for as long as I can but wintery weather has turned me into a wimp.

I am an advocate of cold showers. I enjoy "the burn" as I feel enlivened. I admit it is a shock to the system and it does take a bit of adjustment but once you know what to expect, I think it is truly worth it. It is easier in the summer and even easier when you are in a hot country. It is the "wimp" part of me that says I need only do cold showers between March 21st and September 21st. I will continue for as long as I can though.
The Orchard- fruit falling as well as leaves

The other day, after a blast of unseasonally hot weather it started to rain. It wasn't the sort of rain you can go out in either. It was driving, heavy rain that you can't ignore even when you are indoors because it hits the windows so loudly. It was like we had gone from summer to winter in a blink. I decided to sort out my summer stuff and put them at the back of my cupboard. I couldn't imagine another warm, sunny day til next year. My tennis skirts got packed away along with other lightweight clothes. That, I thought was a worthy job done for the year. 

I went off to play tennis on Friday and it was as warm as before the rains. I really should have worn a skirt. British weather is all over the place. We should be happy for all the lovely days we have but I know that these extremes are proof that we are turning the world into a potential disaster zone. I cycled back from the orchard in strong winds and rain last Tuesday. I wobbled precariously over the Iron Trunk Bridge. The fierce cross wind played havoc with my balance. What is even more worrying is British government's attitude to "net zero". It is not a vote winner so they are doing the ostrich thing. At least they won't be watching when someone bites them on the bottom because their heads will be buried. Small consolation.

Sammi has now left for Brighton and his new adventure. As a leaving present he gave me a cold while he gave Nasser a racket. Thanks Sam! It was lovely having him around though. Now he has gone I have thought of lots of little jobs I should have asked him to do while he was around. He left after I had played in the tennis finals so my head was full of other stuff. Come back soon; I'll have my list of jobs ready for you. The longer Sammi leaves it, the longer the list will inevitably be. 

Google lets me down so often it isn't really news any more. I went to Stevenage via a circuitous route - a route chosen by google! It took me through the centre of Luton at rush hour. I realised on my return that most of the roads around Ampthill had recently been resurfaced. There were no road markings. Even better there were no potholes. Normally British roads give motorists and cyclists the opportunity for slalom as you need to weave your way around really deep potholes. The Ampthill route is the one I would normally choose. Waiting at traffic lights at roadworks would have been a better bet than wending my way through Leagrave in Luton! Bloody Google!

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