What is Wrong

 Where do you start? What is wrong with me - lots! What is wrong with the world - an endless list! We have lived through the hottest September on record and now we are heading for the hottest October as well. Playing tennis has been a joy and in light clothes I even get sweaty. On the surface the climate crisis doesn't seem too bad for us Brits but I do worry about the plants and how they are not doing the right things at the right times anymore.

My garden

I have got to October and I haven't put the heating on either. Besides the tennis this is another small blessing as my carbon footprint is slightly smaller because of the unusual weather. 

All week we have had news about the Conservative Party Conference. This has been the dark clouds on the horizon.  If they weren't in power their ideas would be laughable. For example, we now have a high speed train line being built that won't reach anywhere worthwhile. We have been told the Human Rights Charter needs to be torn up and we have found out that our government is taxing us more than at any time since WWll. To think we voted them in. It only goes to show that you can fool some of the people all of the time. 

Our half-pint, slithery, wimpy PM (Straits Times)

We also have had a number of knifing incidents in the news recently. These are teenage boys stabbing and killing fellow teenagers. The reports  tell how devastated the bereaved parents are and how this must stop, however, no one mentions what the parents of the perpetrators are feeling or doing. Surely the first step to stopping knife crime starts with parents stopping their children taking a knife out of the home. Am I being too simplistic?

Much closer to home, some youths torched a shed last week in the community orchard where I volunteer. This orchard is surrounded by homes where the owners are increasingly frustrated by the behaviour of kids who take drugs, make too much noise and vandalise the sanctuary. Even worse, the police here in Milton Keynes have little interest in stopping this antisocial behaviour. I am convinced these naughty boys are known to most people in the vicinity. I reckon the police should see picking off the miscreants as they are low hanging fruit - especially in the orchard!!!

So what is wrong with me? I am turning into a female Victor Meldrew. I cannot believe how little we do to make the world a better place. It makes my seethe. A few windfarms onshore would be far less of an eyesore than many nimbys suggest. Plus, we could all be more mindful of our carbon footprint - I sometimes get guilt pangs about this but I do try. 

I regularly cycle to the swimming pool to swim my lengths. I am getting obsessive about this by the way. This week I managed 450 lengths. I have my second 58 miles to swim before December. I am obsessed. Will I do it?

My little obsession

So my small obsessions and my fury at the world are in need of being sorted.. perhaps I should put these on my "to-do" list. But first a cup of coffee! 

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