Nailing my colours firmly to the mast

In for a penny, as they say.  The opinionated, lesser half of me is taking a stand on a number of issues this week. First and foremost I stand firmly on the side of cyclists however  slow they and late they may make me when they struggle up the windy lanes while I sit in my car waiting for the ideal opportunity to safely overtake. My sympathy is with them. I too have been that person holding back a line of traffic. They are doing good for themselves and for the world. I am happy to wait. I support their efforts.  I am not a patient person as many can testify but in this instance I can sit tight. 

Not only do I get held up by the weekend cyclists though; on Saturday it was horses, a horse box, a tractor and three different groups of cyclists all ambling along the lanes between my home and the tennis club. In fact, my son almost persuaded me to get an electric bike so that I could pedal to tennis 8 and a 1/2 miles across country. It is not a bad idea. My major concern is the extra weight of carrying an elctric bike if needed. The other niggle is if I go for electric will I get too lazy to pedal?

So cyclists are on my good list and so is Roger Waters. He has vlogged a very impassioned plea to bring an end to the slaughter in the Palestine conflict. For me, when a country has been boxed in with high fences by its neighbour, had land illegally taken and has suffered inhumane treatment for half a century it is hardly surprising that they have reacted. It is sad that ordinary Israeli people have lost their lives but the repsonse of  the Israeli government in retaliation intends to flatten and destroy a whole country is a war crime. 

No wonder Jewish people in the UK fear local reprisals. They should. The news in my country is biased. My government is supporting Israeli in its war crimes. It is an offence in the UK to wave a Palestinian flag. Thousands marched this weekend in many cities in the UK in support of Palestine. News propaganda has no place in this country despite our governments best efforts to squash our voices.  I wonder what would happen to me - a little old dear - if I were to wave one in a public place. Perhaps the answer will come in another blog!

The IDF should tremble in fear. I have a grand daughter who is potentially a weapon of mass destruction. She managed to lock Shadow and Mum out of the house last week. I was not on hand to help and in the end the fire brigade were called. If we could point her in the right direction, she would cause havoc and devastation almost anywhere. We love her for it too.

One final thought; we often find solace at the bottom of a bottle and this is not good for us. One tennis friend dropped a bottle of gin on his foot. Until I heard this I always thought of gin as a harmless drink. Maybe I have nailed my colours to the wrong mast after all.

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