Another effin disaster and other miseries

Hey ho, shit happens. There was I doing my bit for the world by covering short trips around where I live on my bike when my front tyre went flat yet again. I was nearly 3 miles from home and it was raining the sort of rain that runs down your back and makes you thoroughly soaked. I slunk back along the canal muttering expletives and wishing I had popped out in my car instead. errr. My trainers squelched. I couldn't feel more miserable.

When I got home my bike was covered in mud so I put plastic sheeting down and hung my bike up so it wouldn't drip on the hall floor. I hated that bike. I hated the weather. I was more than miffed it had got yet another puncture. I dried myself, wrapped up in comfy clothes and poured a big sympathy drink. My nextdoor neighbour wrote on FB that he had just got caught in the downpour so I replied. We live in adjoining houses and we were having a public commiseration about being bedraggled. How funny!

I think of FB as being a link to the whole world so chatting to someone in my little village through this medium amused me. In any day, I could chat with friends from NZ, Asia, Europe or outer space - perhaps not outer space but you get the point. I see FB as my link to the wider world and to me it is a happy sort of place - even if I am bringing down the tone by moaning about the weather. 

The weather has been particularly wet all week. We haven't had the red warnings that Scotland has but we have had daily rain so this has been a week without tennis. I have done little jobs instead. The inner tube has been repaired but I do need to get a new tyre. A thorn left a hole in the tread. I have now amassed quite a collection of inner tubes in various states of road worthiness. My ability to change tyres hasn't improved despite the practice. I am still quite slow.

I am also annoyed with my local doctor's. Last September I put a request in for more strong pain killers through the web porthole. No response. I put in another request. No repsonse again so I cycled to the surgery where the secretary told me the prescription was fulfilled at the time of the request. How was I to know.? A bit of communication wouldn't have gone amiss. 

So with the weather depressing me, the cost of basics still rising faster than the Weimar Repbulic and the radio no longer being my friend: life isn't rosy. I have taken to shouting at intransigent Israeli representatives refusing to answer questions about humanitarian issues in Gaza. I am shouting at British politcians who support the IDF in its war crimes. I can't believe that half the people who are interviewed can truly believe what they are spouting. It is all too woke. 

Too top it all, I set off on my recently repaired bike only to realise my trainer dampness had seeped through my socks. The outside weather is now 5c - normal for this time of the year. I just need to wear the right clothes for outside conditions... this is more difficult than it seems.

I shall drown just one more wine and look forward to a little trip to Norflok with three other wonderful people this week. Maybe my world isn't that gloomy. Are you listening to me? 

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