Time for Treats

 Things are hotting up. Well actually the weather is getting mighty cold but my social scene is filling up quickly. This weekend I am in Brighton visiting Anne and my son, Sammi - two people who knew of each other but it was so long ago it was like a new introduction. Despite there being a chill in the air, the sun was gorgeous and walking along the prom really is something special any time of the year. So a big thumbs up for both the company and for the location. We even went dancing. What a wonderful weekend!

Oh, I do like to be... etc in nippy weather

Catching up with Anne

Last Friday I finally got to treat Danielle for her birthday which was a long, long time ago. We went to Bannatyne Spa in MK city centre. Top marks for the treatment and the G&T I had at lunch time but a definite, "Could do better" on everything else. The entrance to the spa was shabby, seedy even. The swimming pool needed a bit of a tidy up and paint job too. The man who was doing an aqua exercise class looked bored as he waggled his arms and legs half-heartedly - he learn a thing or two from the guys at my pool who have me singing along as I swim my lengths! To me, his attitude and demeanour summed up the whole feel of the place. He was just too weary to make an impression. 

Along with the venue with bits drooping, the menu left me with few choices. Remembering that this was a birthday treat and not a cheap one, I bought us both lunch which was mediocre to say the least; and at one point potentially a problem for me. Danielle had the korma - OK.. I think. I ordered a Jacket Potato with cheese and salad. The waiter / chef asked me if I wanted butter. I asked if it was butter. It wasn't. It was the worst sort of margerine laced with chemical additives. I told him I can only have butter. He shrugged. 

Also, being a jacket potato I expected it to be hot. It wasn't. It was a yesterday's not very appetizing, luke warm one where the butter would have remained solid if only they had butter. I complained. He gave me another slightly more luke warm one. Then was about to serve my G&T without the T... He was about to put dry ginger in it. What a Dick! I thought!!!!. This experience alone would stop me from returning... The massage bit and the facial were lovely but I won't be going back to that Bannatyne or another one.

Tesco on the other hand really put the show on the road with Santa centre stage. Danielle spent over an hour booking a slot to see Santa at Wolverton and it was well worth every moment she was left hanging on the phone. By the queue to the grotto were pop-up tasting stalls - lots of alcohol and chocolate! We were pretty stationary for some time so one of the stall holders started a conversation about my Furoshiki caveman boots. I ended up taking one off to show her the inside. She loved them. I loved her meat and cheese tasting stall - especially as I had got to Tescos straight after my swim and was very hungry indeed. 

Ezra-Mae loved the whole experience. This year she really knows what Christmas is about. It is the one where she will start her memories. Not being the shy and retiring type, she chatted away to Santa and he mostly understood her. Hilarious!! Thank you Tesco. You have scored some big points with me for that grotto. 

MK Centre

Ezra- Mae also went to MK Centre to see the Christmas stalls and fayre outside John Lewis. Again, this was done so nicely. Ah, the joys of the season.... and so much more to look forward to. Who said Christmas is for kids.... eh?
One more cup of coffee for the road

Posing on the roof of a mini

Meanwhile I have so much more to look forward to... more treats... more parties... more everything.... wonderful!

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The Horse Tunnel I hate shopping! I can think of almost nothing worse than traipsing around shops to find just the thing I thought I wanted....