

Just when Christmas is around the corner and there is so much to do and so many ways to celebrate, We have finally got the website for our business ready. This is probably not the final cut but it is the start of the new stage of my new career. So I am busy, busy, busy...

So welcome "" to the big, wide world. Please check it out and give me your feedback. Sammi has worked tirelessly on this and I am proud of him for his vision and his sense of purpose in getting it together. For my part, I have been the chief nag. I have come to realise I am quite good at this role. 

Facebook blocked my last post. How dare they? I am not particularly political and I am sure I am not divisive. Of my bad traits, the very worst is shouting at the radio. Since October 7th, I have done this more and more. I wonder why? As light relief, I have been laughing loudly at the COVID enquiry though. At the time, they played fast and loose losing too many lives. Who would have thought that Big Bad Boris made a balls up of the UK's COVID policy? At the time, a pub in Liverpool aptly renamed itself. Nuff said. 

One of the things that I have become a little obsessed with is completing my second lap of the Thames. This will mean, if I finish it,  I will have swam 116 miles this year at least. I have spent 10 weeks travelling during the challenge so that has given me less time to complete it. Now with the deadline extended for another two weeks it will be easy for me to do the remaining 400 plus lengths.

The temperature is -3c today. I swept up the last leaf fall from my tree this morning. The leaves were crunchy. The new bird bath was also frozen solid so my idea of making my garden homely for my almost pet robin is not going to plan. I just hope that this year I don't lose as many plants as I did last year. Later, I am off to play tennis outside it will help me empathise with the garden wildlife if nothing else.

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