Happy New Year

 If you are reading this you have survived the celebrations of seeing the New Year in. So probably like me you are feeling over-fed, over-indulged and incredibly lazy. This brings me to considering making changes to how I live in 2024. My big resolution is to get moving again - and not to open the fridge door quite so often.

The time between Christmas and New Year is a killer. The fridge just keeps on giving. It is has been overflowing with all those left overs and bits that we buy because it is Christmas. Luckily for me, Sammi has been with me. So to keep his reputation of being the Human Hoover, he has been helping to reduce the stock of food. 

He has earned his keep by pollarding the tree in my garden. We even managed to do it when it wasn't raining or blowing a gale. My neighbours commented on the health and safety aspects of him standing on a wall wielding a chainsaw. It remains for me to get rid of the kindling and logs that are now covering my courtyard. Even more than that great job of hacking the tree, he has been showing off his handyman skills around my house. I now have two monkey knots securing my ladder - clever boy!

The family on the canal 

A really big downside of the time between Christmas and New Year is that the days seamlessly drift. I wake up each morning and I really have to remember whether it is a Monday or a Sunday or whatever. I really have had no idea what day, what time of day or even what I should be doing over the festive season. The nice thing is that Sammi is around all the time. He has been writing an essay so he is more switched on than I am. Ashamed of this thought as I am, I am looking forward to order in my life. Regular swims, tennis and a bit of a routine.

So looking forward to a more ordered life, there are lots of things that are positive about the New Year. The days will be getting longer. It is a time of new starts. Maybe we will even have world peace in the New Year.... who knows?

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