The Wrong Lights

 Everyone knows that Wallace had the wrong trousers. This Christmas I got the wrong lights. My neighbours always tastefully decorate the outside of their houses with lights so I thought it would be churlish not to join in. I even got a half-price, bargain 9-metre string of lights for my balcony. 

So far so good! I plugged them in to test them and I was impressed with the quality. It was only then that I questioned my choice of outside lights that are red. Nasser didn't see a problem. I did. It was also too wet at the time to go climbing the outside of my house on a ladder to string them up. The more I thought about it, the more I laughed at the "bargain" lights which are now elegantly settled in a large glass bowl. This is a Christmas decoration I hadn't really planned on! I told my story to one of my neighbours at church. He said I might have livened up the village somewhat... or something similar.

Well, that is history now. I had shingles for Christmas. I spent four days lying on my sofa feeling pretty sorry for myself and really willing myself to be able to cook the turkey for a big lunch. Thank you NHS - you made this happen. On Friday, I had pins sticking in my back and I knew that I needed more than a paper cow. I checked on the internet. I phoned 111. They told me to phone my doctor to tell them they were getting an urgent referral for me. 

The surgery asked me for a picture of my spots. Now, this is where things got tricky. My most itchy area was around my kidneys. To help you understand how difficult this was I have a challenge for you. Try taking a focused selfie of your lower back. Now imagine how much harder it would be when you feel shitty. (picture not provided!)

To be honest, the doctor was very sympthetic and said I need medication ASAP. I phoned Danielle and she said she could get it after she had fed Ezra-Mae. Not a problem, except it was already coming up to 5pm and the pharmacy was closing at 5:30. I called Nasser who was out at a party. I didn't want him to miss his social gathering so I whatsapped him that Danielle would get it. I phoned Boots and asked them to prepare my prescription and that it would be really close to 5:30 when it was to be collected. 

Danielle went to the wrong chemist, Nasser did leave his party and got to Boots minutes before Danielle. Whoops. I felt terrible. I had disprupted both Danielle and Nasser's plans. After a couple of doses of anti-viral medication I was almost normal once more. The NHS went above and beyond. Their response was supportive, timely and effective at a time when I am sure they were overwhelmed pre-Christmas. 

Just a couple of small addendum - The person on 111 asked me if I could do my normal daily tasks and was I more incoherent or confused than usual. I told her I felt far too weak to swim even 1km. She said, "Can you make a cup of tea?" Well yes, of course I could but she did ask about my normal daily tasks - silly me! As for being more incoherent... etc... I think I am perfectly lucid all the time... silly question!

So feeling much, much better, I got the bird stuffed, the table layed and the house surface-tidy.  I sang loudly while I was working and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I feel I have accomplished so much in such a short time yet when I checked my watch, I realised how long it had taken.... So all that is left for me to do is to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and may the New Year bring you all that you wish for.

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