All is well with the world

When the sun shines and flowers come into blossom, the world feels a much better place. I draw back my curtains each morning to a courtyard almost full of colour. It is only the beginning of March. Everything has come up far too early this year. There is even a bumble bee buzzing around the flowers early each morning. I wonder whether it is the same one.

The robin that follows me around is still present in my garden too. Sammi says that robins follow us around because they think we are the oxen pulling the plough. So, my son likens me to an oxen – I feel a bit insulted. Robins recognise that us humans turn over the soil and expose the worms for them to eat. Whatever the reason, I do have a regular visitor. I have bought him a bird bath that has the most pathetic of solar fountains pulsing away. He does use it, surprisingly!

My blooming garden

On the downside, my wheelbarrow has a completely destroyed tyre and I have been looking online to replace it. It is a 30cm tyre but none of the tyres fit the wheel size. Replacing the whole wheel is a possibility but a wheel costs half as much as a new wheelbarrow. What to do? I could get a new wheelbarrow that is not rusty or I could find a replacement wheel and hope the old wheelbarrow remains usable for at least a couple more years. First world problems!

I have taken up drawing after a long break. A friend in the village came round for an afternoon’s art activity. I had forgotten how relaxing it is to get absorbed. Other things that fill my time are cycle trips – getting less muddy by the day. Recently I cycled through a speed trap and the man in charge of the speed gun called out to me to slow down. How sweet! If only my legs could exceed 30mph these days!




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