My week with Anita

“Are you awake?” Well, you should be. Anita now knows what it is like to share a hotel room with an early riser. We went on our long-planned trip to Norfolk for a tennis holiday this week. Bits of me still ache so it must have been good. We played five hours of tennis for three days and three-ish hours on the other two days.

I’d like to warn my club-playing friends that I am on it!!!! I am coming to play with renewed vigour – once my body recovers, that is. It wasn’t just the tennis that has made me suffer. I also had one or two too many red wines, far too much food and probably an excess of other things over the week as well.

The hotel - Dunston Hall  - was rather nice. As you drive down the lane to the car park it makes for a pretty imposing view. I guessed it was Tudor. It looks a bit like Hampton Court. I asked the young man on reception. He said he thought it was Elizabethan. I said that is Tudor. Oh….

Dunston Hall

Actually, the Hall was built as a private residence in 1859. Victorian! It has gone through a lot of tough times but now it looks rather posh. The other inmates for the week were Bridge players, MG enthusiasts and a few odds and sods. I reckon the hotel chain had cornered the market for groups, although, the restaurant service was dire (they couldn’t cope with groups) and the food inconsistent. Other members of our tennis group warned us to record everything we had as the bill would also be wrong. It was!

I am making my trip sound bad. It wasn’t. There was a wonderful spa area where we soaked after tennis and on one evening, Karl came and joined Anita and I. Karl… I’ll save you the joke. We hadn’t come apart. We enjoyed your company as always.


The pains linger but now it is a fading memory. Anita and I visited Margy and her Mum on the way home – another wonderful get-together! Then back in Cosgrove we hit the local – The Barley Mow – for an evening celebrating St. Patricks. Despite the creaking knees we even danced that night away over a couple more red wines! What else could we do after a whole week of tipples.

Meet up at Margy's

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