The Big Top

A trip to the circus

As I was away for Mothers’ Day I had the treat of going to the circus with my daughter and grand daughter the following Sunday. Ezra-Mae is becoming very opinionated. She has already decided that Nana’s cooking is superior to anything she gets at home – long may that last! I am honoured. She was also excited about going to the circus even though she hadn’t been to one before and I doubt she really knew what to expect.

The Circus was Zyair from Columbia. We worked that out from the flag on top of the tent. The clown was brilliant. He held the whole thing together. The other acts were mostly lacklustre. The performers went through the paces without aplomb. The finale was memorable, if not a little scary – three motorbikes whizzing around the inside of a ball at breakneck speed needed split second timing. I reckon I held my breath throughout the entire routine. Overall, not a bad afternoon in sunny Milton Keynes.

I also met E-M and Danielle up at the Community Orchard on Tuesday. They arrived before me. Someone asked if they were looking for Andie. My wonderful little girl corrected them. She emphatically said, “No, Nana!”  How could an adult get it so wrong.

Despite a dearth of tennis this week due to inclement weather– even though we have had the Equinox, I have been exercising. I have to remind myself summer is on its way – I have started my swim challenge. 4600 lengths of my local pool before the end of August. By the end of this week, I will have knocked off 600!

In search of wild garlic

I have also been out and about on my bike. The other day I met up with Sophie for a foraging session in a secret location that is close enough to a pub for a short repose afterwards - perfect.

Now Spring is here I will be sorting out my garden – This means I will be containing those plants that grow in the wrong places – weeds to the layman. This is the year I will get a table and chairs so I can drink my coffee outside in the morning. I promise myself, this year my courtyard will be another room!

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