On hoping to become a serial Grandmother

Easter came and went. The sun shone and I thought it was summer! How wrong could one be? Since the holiday weekend it has rained and the wind has kept the temperatures down to the level of being nippy. 

I finally decided on garden furniture just before Easter and then spent many "happy" hours screwing and bolting it together. Any visitors should be warned that I did it by myself and maybe some of the bolts could have been pulled a bit tighter. I am actually sitting on it as I write - brave soul that I am!

I envisaged having my first cup of coffee in the garden each morning - so far the weather has stopped that idea dead. the parasol has even blown over once so far (Storm Kathleen to be blamed for that). - errrr. The umbrella currently languishes on my bedroom floor. I have managed to cycle to swimming and back but again the puddles along the tow path have made this awkward. I returned home on one ocassion with a nasty brown patch on my light grey leggings in a very embarrassing place!

All this bad weather surrounding a very sunny Easter Monday has made that day even more memorable. Nicholas and Nataliia brought baby Philip over for the day to show him Cosgrove. To be honest he didn't see much as he peacefully slept on our walk around the village and the flood plain. He is gorgeous and like most people, I go gooey over babies. I secretly hope I can be a substitute grandma as both the real ones cannot visit. If I were to apply for the job of Granny, I could cite previous experience!

I have planted seeds in my garden and hope that come the summer, I'll have a lovely display. Ezra-Mae grabbed a handful of soil when she visited and threw it in some water... That was some potential rainbow chard gone - oh dear. Then a rather large duck decided to dig away in the soil on top of my rubbish bins. That probably means a fair few seeds have gone from there as well. I stood right next to the duck and tried to shoo him away. He was far too happy to move and not the least bit scared...so much for my attempts to beautify my little courtyard.

I really do need an air rifle! I know it wouldn't have a big impact on the local wildlife. I did paintball some years ago now. My accuracy leaves a lot to be desired so I know that me with a gun would not be a threat to anything I pointed it at! Hopefully I'd just scare the ducks and geese so they would keep their distance - win, win.

And so to London, I popped up to town to visit Peter in hospital. He has had a pretty big operation and has come through it really well. He is wirelessly wired up to all sorts of monitors - technology really has moved a pace. The hospital bears no comparison to MK. It really is closer to the ones I got used to in Singapore. I took the opportuntity to walk the streets and London was mostly empty. The only voices I heard were foreign ones. I could have been anywhere in the world. The roof tops, the statues and embellishments fascinate me - hence the pictures. 

I like to go to the station on my bike and now the days are getting longer I can return home before it is pitch black. Darkness always makes trips along the canal just a bit more precarious.

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