May the 4th be with with you!

 ... and the revenge of the Sith! It is six years now since I had both knees done  - not a bionic refit - just cleaned up a bit. What a good job Dr Chong did too! I am still getting around on them - clearly a testament to his good work. There was only one small setback after the op on the day. We didn't have a corkscrew! I know this is an unusual problem to have for one languishing in a hospital bed. Dearest Rachel brought to my bed in Gleneagles a bottle of wine, two glasses and no corkscrew. Oh, how we laughed. Our "training" had to be postponed. I raise a glass to you Rachel, Cheers!

I have also been on another journey of reminiscence this week. Rita has been visiting from Singapore with Marmite. Her plan is to take Marmite around the world. He has already been to far flung places like Costa Rica so he is a well-heeled dog in experience as well as behaviour. Rita has suffered the usual Woolhead hospitality. I got her digging at the orchard, dragged her round Cambridge with Diane and Jeremy and insisted she come to tennis too. Marmite used to watch me play tennis in Singapore so he will feel at home at least.

Jeremy taking a break 

For once the sun shone while we were in Cambridge. It was almost like summer. Together we did a scavenger hunt and I saw bits of Cambridge I didn't know existed. We looked closely at Architecture and followed routes down back alleys. It is certainly a good way to see a city. Diane  - our jefe - should have had a yellow umbrella! Next time, Diane..

On Friday, in  torrential rain, I went under the Horse Tunnel and to the Village Hall for cooking demonstration, a gourmet lunch and copious glasses of vino. I left feeling inspired to cook the sort of meal that you feast your eyes on before you eat. However, on Saturday my Cousin Alison, her husband and Nasser came for lunch and I am afraid I produced yet another tasty sludge! As a note to self - I must work on the gourmet bit.

I never thought I would find myself saying this. I feel sorry for Rishi! I don't know how he can get out of bed now his party has been trounced in the local elections. On Radio 4 the usual round of punters gave their excuses for the incoming results the morning after. They wavered between the hollow to the comical. Oh my!!!! our country needs change and to change.

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