Happy birthday Bike!

 My bike has been part of my life for the past six years. I lurched into Treknology in Bukit Merah on 11th May, 2018 on crutches and chose my red bike. We have been through a lot together and like me it has had a few replacement parts. We have been in two accidents both of which I came off worse than the bike. Nonetheless, we still keep moving and I haven’t lost the joy cycling even though the weather here in the UK can be less than pleasant.

Fortunately, this week the weather is much warmer. I played a tennis match against a Bedford team and got quite sweaty. I thought I was going to play two matches on the same day but at the eleventh hour someone volunteered to play the evening ladies’ doubles. This meant I played only four sets in a day and not the planned eight. Yay!

In preparation for the matches, I took it easy the day before. I went to the pool and only did 2.5km and then went round to Danielle’s to help her clean up and do the garden. In retrospect I probably did more than I planned to do. Now the match is over I have felt rather fatigued. Age is catching up with me. I never used to rest up before a match  - now it seems something I need to consider. Sunday's match left me more exhausted still. I knew I needed a shower and I really had to force myself to get in  - that is how bad I felt. 

I popped to Wolverton Town Square for the monthly market before the match. It was wonderful. Sun shining, everyone happy, loads of lovely stuff to buy including Wolverton Gin. Woverton really buzzes. It has such a wonderful community.

My bike now

Wolverton on a Sunday

The market

Children having fun

My bike in Singapore

Danielle's washing machine has breathed its last. Over the week Danielle has popped over to my place to do her washes. My machine takes 2 hours and 44 minutes for a standard cycle so for each wash this has meant two trips plus a bit of extra fun time with Ezra-Mae. She loves coming over to my place. Danielle washed her much-loved Moo-moo. Ezra-Mae wanted Moo-moo even though it was wet. For this, she dug into the cleaned wash basket and found it. She threw the damp washing all over my hallway. Then when it was time to leave, she left Moo-moo behind. Suspicious me thinks she might have left it on purpose just to come back again. 

This week I have Shadow again. She curls up in a quiet place and for the most part I don't notice her until it is her dinner time. When I take her round the village I meet other dogs. I know their names now but not the owners' names. Funny world! 
Shadow at the orchard

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