Our Beautiful Land

Beautiful Stony Stratford 

There really is no better place than Britain when the sun is shining. This year I appreciate it more than ever as we have had such a wet start to the year. The sun makes me happy, and I don’t need to sit in it to feel it either.

Tuesday, as ever, I was back at the Orchard after my long trip. In the time I was away, the trees have become heavy with fruit – most of which is yet to ripen. The birds are aware of this too and are making the most of this window of opportunity. We picked some low-hanging cherries and then went on to the logan bush, the redcurrants and the gooseberries. Here the early rains have brought dividends. The fruit is really plump and juicy!

Ironically, we are now almost into drought. The ground is so hard it is difficult to break so my plans for the allotments will just have to wait. I’d need a pneumatic drill to make my mark. Even my garden is dry as a bone. My lavender has died and even my olive tree looks parched. What a crazy world we live in with the climate crisis.

Saturday, I went off for a long bike ride along the cycle paths of MK. For me, these are the most wonderful part of the new city. Each settlement in MK has its own park and playground area – few of which were inhabited by people on Saturday morning  - this surprised me. Remembering my time in Singapore, Bukit Timah Hill, and the Green Corridor were more like Piccadilly Circus at the weekends. It seemed like everyone had taken to walking in nature at the time I was living there.

Mine and surrounding villages are fighting to keep developers from converting the countryside to warehousing. I personally can’t see the sense in doing this as there are already enormously large warehouses on the roundabout south of MK, others by the M1 and also on the A5 this side of Dunstable. How many do we need? Nonetheless, we are fighting to save our bit of countryside. Saturday night was a fundraiser for the cause. What better way to save a few fields than dance and drink the night away! 

Having fun - all for a good cause

Ezra-Mae has spent a lot of time with me this week. She had a sleepover and then, earlier in the week I had Ezra-Mae and Shadow for the morning. We went round the village for a walk. Ezra-Mae said: “Good Morning” to everyone and even quacked at the ducks. She is so happy communing with nature – long may it last. I have told her she is no longer My Little Treasure. She is My Slightly Bigger Treasure now!

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Our Beautiful Land

Beautiful Stony Stratford  There really is no better place than Britain when the sun is shining. This year I appreciate it more than ever ...