Welcome Home

I’m back! And, being back it seems like I was never away really. I came home to a jungle in my back garden and immediately started hacking the plants back from the path. The tree that Sammi pollarded is sprouting and the white fly have got a grip on some of the plants. Just one month and my eye is off the ball.

Ezra-Mae walking the plank

The flights from Darwin to Singapore are laborious. Yet, when you finally do get home there is a residual energy that carries through the day enough to get the washing done, sort out mail, do the shopping, book appointments…. Endless trivia that is part of the humdrum.

I had, in the bunch of letters, a note from the Post Office to say they tried to deliver a parcel on June 3rd and then a tick on it to say they would deliver it on Tuesday. Not sure which Tuesday as there isn’t a parcel. I checked the website. I don’t have a reference on the note to find where my parcel is, so I phoned. I don’t have a reference to get anywhere with phoning either. I spoke to a rude, disinterested employee after a long wait and a  “yes/no” chatbot conversation.

I went to the Post Office in Central MK. I needed to talk to someone. I was given an address to go to the sorting office. I drove there in a hurry as I was told it closes at 2pm. It closed at 10am. Errr. A helpful chap told me that my letters don’t get sorted in South MK so I needed to go to another sorting office. That too was closed. I am now out of time to pick up any parcel as it is returned to sender in 21 days. Welcome Home!!!

It seems nothing works smoothly over here. Danielle’s washing machine broke down before I left for Australia and after three attempts to deliver a new one from Hoover, she now has a functioning machine with a big dent in it. Hoover couldn’t even get the delivery time right, so I had to be at her place to be in receipt of the dented model.


I had Ezra-Mae to look after the day I got back as well. She was really pleased to be over with me and didn’t stop. She sprayed my sticky white fly with washing up liquid really thoroughly. We went to the park to climb and swing, then back home I washed her, read her a book and got her to sleep. Danielle picked her up and got her home. I was exhausted. Totally!

So now I need a holiday. This one I need in order to recover from the previous one. Also, the days are getting shorter from hereon. I feel crushed like a well-heeled packet of Tim Tams! Just a few more things to do before I start planning! Hey Ho.

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Welcome Home

I’m back! And, being back it seems like I was never away really. I came home to a jungle in my back garden and immediately started hacking t...