From the land of discarded trolleys to Darwin

We set off on a Greyhound bus to Alice Springs via Coober Pedy. Driving through the interior makes one realise how incredibly vast Australia is. The journey was an overnighter so we saw the sun come up over the desert along the way. We were warned from all sides how Alice Springs is a dodgy place - it has the highest crime rate in Australia apparently. 

The town is small, poor and slow-paced. The population is made up of indigenous people who sit along the street in the town centre and watch the world go by. All over the town are discarded supermarket trolleys. There was even one outside the hotel! Despite exploring and trekking across a dry Todd River and legging it up the hill in the Botanic Gardens, I really didn't do much. 

The hotel in Alice had a lovely pool where I could really swim. It was refreshingly cold and probably because I did really swim I  now have the mother of all colds. I am not sure whether swimming in a cold pool gave me the cold but I am now in Darwin and suffering. Sympathetic friends would help with my suffering in my hour of need! (only joking) and the shiraz has kept my throat oiled - Thank you, Moe! 

As there were limited things to do in Alice the evening we hung around the hotel. This hotel could have been in any city in any country - quite soul-less. The food from the restaurant we ate at was positively mediocre. No stars for that meal. However, with all holidays, you take the rough with the smooth and the ups with the downs too.  

My time in Alice was slow moving. I reflected how life is over here. The language is creative. Most words end with a vowel sound - Barbie, chucka rightie... and Mcdonalds has a schwa over here. Their swearing has depth and variety... Moe has been teaching me some more useful terms while I have been putting this together.  So I am telling him here and now; I'm not here to F**K spiders I need to get this written.

The newsreaders on TV wear their hair as if it is a helmet. Their doesn't move even when they nod. Most odd. Then going through Downtown Darwin I spied Helmet Hairdressers. It really is a recognised style over here.

At the waterfront - relaxed bods and relaxed hairstyles

Sunset bubbles

Moe gets things ready!

In the hands of Moe and Eva the food quality has gone through the roof as has the shiraz consumption! We spent an evening watching the sun go down, drinking bubbly and having cheese. This was followed by homemade pizza back at base. Today after a swim down at the waterfront, we went off for some Asian food from one of the markets. I eyed the Singapore Noodles and knew that I couldn't possibly do it justice. Too much choice and too little time. 

And... so ends my adventure. England calls...

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