Sydney - Viv:d memories

We departed company with the campervan and set off for pastures new in Central Sydney this week. It was a big change of pace and a relief not to have to look for places that had sufficient headroom to park the van. Our hotel was right in the middle of the Vivid festival - a light show that immediately wowed us on leaving the hotel. Right by us  was the Fire Kitchen. This was the culinary centre piece  - a real hot spot of the event         -  that had loads of street stalls selling food from all over the world. Periodically flame throwers along the street would send a woosh of fire high into the air. To start with I found this a bit unnerving. We could even hear the loud woomph from our hotel room  - no escape from the joys of Vivid.

The Vivid show lit up the streets all the way to Darling Harbour as well as other bits of town. We certainly came to Sydney at an opportune time. Lucky for me, I met up with Anne Macinante for a few drinks and a lot of reminiscing - or was it a lot of drinks and a bit of reminiscing? I also had a wonderful night out with Ashley and Ian  - Sammi and Chris - our respective sons used to do ANZA football together about a hundred years ago. Back then Sammi was more interested in the daisies than the football! It was so lovely to reconnect with old friends and, oh how we laughed!

Sid at the Forester's

Ashley, Ian, Anne and I after a wonderful meal in Darling Harbour

Whoops... Cheers

Donna, Sophie and I having a drink! 

I caught up with Dr. Sid too. We skirted conversations about Skittles, Borat, DFE and Sammi over a wonderful night out. I have known Sid since he was knee high so there was a lot to talk about there. I am so proud  he is Sammi's best friend. 

We also managed to meet my cousin, Donna. Again, a time for happy memories - and lots of chat about THE PARTY! Sydney has been good for the night life especially; and despite this, we did manage to trek up and over the Harbour Bridge early one morning too. Our trip to Bondi was cut short by stormy skies and a biblical deluge. When it began to look much like a typical summer's day in an English seaside town we got the bus back to Central Sydney. At least the rain stopped us feeling homesick for Old Blighty.

Bondi Beach before the storm! Could be England

And so onto Adelaide to escape the rain. Adelaide is a foodie place but as Diana said; we came there to see her. She took us to visit Hahndorf (a German Village est. 1839) and eat incredibly large sausages! This left just a small window of opportunity to visit a vineyard or two. So the adventure continues and the memories flow like wine. This trip is blowing away any possible Monday morning blues! 

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