What this campervan needs is....

Lady and the van

 Just like Mrs Armitage on Wheels I have lots of recommendations for the campervan I have been sharing with Sophie for the past two weeks. This is not to say that it has not been fun, but Sunday night is the last night of having to shift the cushions under me to keep them in line as a bed. This alone kept waking me up. It is also the last night that I will be using the loo in the van too. We are about full of the joys of camping and ready for a change.

No more will I take my wee for a walk to the "dump". Nor will I open my hard shell suitcase and ferret through everything and then find the one thing I needed was in my rucksack after all. Getting dressed stooped will also be a memory too. Oh the joys that I will personally miss!

The nights draw in about 5pm so we have plenty of time to wriggle around and find a comfy way to sleep but still we dream of the beds in the hotel in Sydney. On a positive note, we have been impressed by the ease at which we can purchase the odd bottle of vino on the road and the speed with which we polish it off before bedtime.

Only once did we need to ration the drinking as we spent two nights in Crowdy Bay National Park right on the beach and nowhere near the "bottle-O". Crowdy Beach -a truly beuatiful spot - had no electricity or hot water but really limited our joys there due to torrential rain of tropical proportions. Even our phone use had to be rationed. It made up for the downsides though by having friendly roos and an amazing beach that we could see through our steamed up windows. Sophie felt she was whale watching at this time.

Suffolk Beach

Us at Suffolk Beach

The Three Sisters near our campervan

Coffs Harbour

Sunrise at Crowdy Bay

Fellow campers

What our van needed was a "tarp" so we could sit outside and shelter from the deluge. Even the roos found shelter under cover of the other tents and vans. So far, improvements to the campervan would be a shelter and a more stable bed. There are other things our van lacked - mostly because the company we hired it from didn't check the gear properly. The water hose didn't have the bit you need to fix it to a tap! This we scrounged off fellow campers! The ouside BBQ bit was broken so we cooked inside and set the fire alarm off each time!

Sophie recognised my amazing backhand in the way I flapped the towel around the alarm to stop it. She pronounced me the outright winner against the alarm. Yay! One night she wrapped a towel around it and held it there so I offered to feed her while her hands were gripping the alarm. This was a step too far so she took the battery out. Our cooking sounds rather fraught but our meals have been culinary delights - Jamie Oliver watch this space.

Not only have we shared our camping with roos, we were warned about snakes in Yandina but didn't see any personally. Sophie named the place Snake Creek. We have travelled south towards Sydney and crossed so many creeks with wonderful names  - noames much more vivid than Snake Creek.  I'm still on the look out for Creeky Creek. It has to be on our way somewhere.

So now our time with the van is running out and we have a beach and a pool to check out before our final departure.... let me at it. Time for a final dip!

The Koala sanctuary I forgot to mention

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