Special Delivery

A special delivery- no name!

Last Monday, 8th July, Danielle finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I am so pleased, relieved, exhausted but mostly happy that everything has gone well this time. The baby doesn’t have a name as yet, but I am sure by the time she is ready for school that aspect will be sorted! She was 9lb 1oz at birth so she is more bowling ball than baby!

While Danielle was in hospital, Ezra-Mae stayed at my place. She made herself quite at home and, because Uncle Sammi was here as well, she got spoilt by both of us. On Monday afternoon when Danielle was having her C-section, Sammi took her to IKEA to play in the kiddies area. We can honestly say that we went to IKEA and got a new baby!

As soon as we got the news, we were at the hospital ready to see Danielle being wheeled back to the ward so I saw my latest addition at less than an hour old – what joy! All the anxiety of being in the same place where Hope was born disappeared. Ezra-Mae is pleased her baby sister is not going to go away like the snowman. However, she has already said she is not sharing her toys!

A very tired big sister

So, with visiting time over we set off for Tesco to get something to wet the baby’s head! All alcohol in the store is now behind a glass cabinet that you have to unlock. What a palaver! It takes an age just to buy the stuff. First of all, I pressed the button to unlock the cabinet on the left but the one I wanted to break into wouldn’t open. I realise this is a system designed for a right-handed world. Errr.  One could keel over with frustration leave alone dehydration! It brought to mind the rules in Alice Springs. The bottle-o there is open just for a few hours, three days a week.

Now life has settled down to my humdrum routine of tennis, swimming and cycling once more. On Friday, while I was swimming,  the old dears in the pool were doing their Aquacise to “Football’s coming home” -  clearly the whole country has THE BUG! The last time we did as well as this at football we had a Labour government- a causative link perhaps. 

To be honest we should just accept our part in inventing the game and then teaching the world to play it better than us. Did we really think we would win?

At home, my house is especially quiet, hair-free from having no dogs, and I think that all the stuff brought by Sammi and E-M is now back with them too. Or is it? I am sure there will still be something lurking in a corner somewhere – a forgotten sock, perhaps!

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The Horse Tunnel I hate shopping! I can think of almost nothing worse than traipsing around shops to find just the thing I thought I wanted....