Getting Together

A big highlight of my week was meeting Margy in Saffron Walden. This didn’t go without incident, however. The plan was easy. I had checked out a pub – The Railwayman Arms which is a community owned pub for our meet up. The pictures looked good and it said on google that it did food. I got there ahead of Margy and found it only did food at weekends. The barmaid told me The Cross Keys on the High Street was the place to go. Change of plan!

No problem. I called Margy, who said she was running late, and told her that we were meeting elsewhere. I walked down to The Cross Keys – a pub/hotel that dated back to 1509 – and waited patiently. The barman was sympathetic. I sat and read my book and drank water. I had another call from Margy. She was running even more late.

I started to worry that I would outstay my two-hour parking time but every moment that went I thought that Margy would be here any time at all so I sat put. I finally bought a drink. Margy then texted me to say she was parking. Fantastic! Another while passed and still no Margy. I really did need to move my car now otherwise I would have to leave halfway through my meal.

Margy turned up! The barman put my drink in the fridge and we both left to move my car which was near the other pub. Highly unusual behaviour, I know. We trotted off together through Saffron Walden to re-park. I parked it close to Margy’s one and then she told me how difficult it had been to pay the parking. Second time round it was much easier. We headed back for the pub, retrieved my drink and had a most wonderful meal – despite minor burping as I had had a bit of soya. Whoops!

Finally- together again!

I got the impression that the barman was slightly amused by us. I am sure our behaviour had appeared quite eccentric – leaving a drink in the fridge – spending a long, long time chatting over our meal, arguing about paying… He did take a lovely photo though… nice man.

Meanwhile… back at the ranch, Ezra- Mae did a bit of cake making on the kitchen floor - tasted good too.

 We met at the Community Orchard Heritage Day on Saturday. The weather was perfect, the event well attended and we raised a goodly sum too. Ezra-Mae is very agile and climbs trees easily. Now she has a little sister who is also shaping up to be strong. At 8 weeks she is holding her head up and trying to crawl already! Laura crawled at 3 months so Mattaya has to put in a bit of training before she catches up with her aunty!

Two happy sisters

And now, the weather... we have had plummeting temperatures and thunderstorms. The noise from the thunder was ominous, even so, we played on.  It got so dark at tennis on that Sunday morning we put the floodlights on  and still played on. When the heavens opened we ran for cover  - so many people squashed in the club house! So sorry I missed out on tennis but I am glad it has rained  - my garden desperately needs it. 

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The Horse Tunnel I hate shopping! I can think of almost nothing worse than traipsing around shops to find just the thing I thought I wanted....