Waiting For Godot


While I am not in peril, I have been waiting for my son to turn up for the past few days. I might as well be waiting for Godot - who, as we all know - never actually appears. Sammi's sense of timing is creative. So much so, that I am writing this and procrastinating about what to cook that will remain appealing whatever the hour. 

Sammi is vegetarian in principle but is known to drop these principles when faced with a kofta. For this reason I am not too fussed about a solidly meat-free feast. I also have bread proving so he won't starve. When he was young he was the human hoover and anything not pinned down was fair fayre. A leopard doesn't change his spots so I have every confidence that he'll find enough to revive his energy after an 8-hour drive.

So... moving on.... Sammi and a friend turned up very late. Ever since it has been a bit of a whirlwind. We have played tennis, taken Ezra-Mae and two dogs out on the bikes. Shadow and Ezra-Mae sat in the trailer and bobbed along behind Sammi; and, we played table tennis, cards and Banagrams. We have meant to go to the pub for a meal and we'll probably have a swim today  - all in good "Sammi" time. 

Ezra-Mae and Sammi on the bike ride

In between all this, Sammi has been stashing his stuff on my mezzanine area, down in the utility area and under things - and despite this my house still looks like the aftermath of a police raid. I am waiting, still waiting for it all to be sorted. I am also waiting, still waiting for the swim too. 

When you get to my age and you have the sort of personality that needs to get things done, there is a growing frustration sitting around waiting. I am being philosophical and telling myself that this is a lesson for my learning. The trouble is the other half of my brain is telling me my life is slipping away while I am waiting. 

On the flip side, I had an appointment at the hospital for my skin cancer at 6:30pm on a Saturday night. They phoned me to come earlier and when I arrived I had barely sat down in the waiting area before I was called. Thank you NHS.

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